For more than forty years, this exciting race of self-made vehicles that run on ball-bearings (known locally as "balinjere" – hence the name) instead of wheels, down Opatija's main street
One of the world's best violinists comes to Opatija with the masterpiece Carmina Burana
For more than forty years, this exciting race of self-made vehicles that run on ball-bearings (known locally as "balinjere" – hence the name) instead of wheels, down Opatija's main street
13. - 16.03.2025.
Helyszín: Amadria Park Hotel Royal
Szervező: Tormenta, obrt za organizaciju evenata
olvass továbbOne of the world's best violinists comes to Opatija with the masterpiece Carmina Burana
One of the most popular musicians in this area is coming to Opatija
RetrOpatija is a musical time machine in which swing, rockabilly, rock, jazz and electric disco music merge together to create a fantastic party dedicated to the key decades and musical styles of the twentieth century.
Opatija és a csokoládé évek óta elválaszthatatlanul összekapcsolódnak a Csokoládé Fesztiválnak köszönhetően, amely az egyik legnagyobb múltra visszatekintő horvát rendezvény, amelyet ennek a pótolhatatlan ínyencségnek szentelnek.